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I am originally from Tokyo and currently live in San Diego. I have been in the U.S. for over 30 years.


I have worked in the insurance, automotive, trading, and game development industries, and my areas of strength include IT, game development, technology, and business in general. In the last 6 years specifically, I have been working as an in-house interpreter and translator for a Japanese game developer and publisher (currently 50% freelance, 50% in-house), so I am familiar with IT, computer, and game development terminology and concepts.


Additionally, I have a Ph.D. in Linguistics and Cognitive Science from UC San Diego, so I am also comfortable with academic fields. I have experience in research and teaching at U.S. universities, and I am currently providing simultaneous interpretation for many online seminars at national universities in Japan.


In addition to American English, I can also understand Indian English very well, as I am married to an Indian man.


I am happy to help you with consecutive, simultaneous, online, or on-site interpretation assignments, as well as translation assignments. I look forward to working with you.











Major Freelance Interpretation Assignments/

(RSI: Remote Simultaneous Interpreting, RCI: Remote Consecutive Interpreting, HSI: Hybrid Simultaneous Interpreting, OCI: Onsite Consecutive Interpreting)

IT and Technology

  • Workshops introducing new software systems of an American multinational technology company (8 meetings in total) (RSI)

  • Usage contest of a new software system for the Japanese branch of a multinational technology company (RSI)

  • System development-related meetings for a multinational beverage manufacturer (30 meetings in total) (RSI)

  • Full-year financial results briefing for a Japanese IT company (RSI)

  • Regular Japan-U.S.-Europe meetings of a Japanese space startup company (RSI)

  • Japan-Asia divisional plenary meeting of a Japanese electrical equipment company (RSI)

  • Project progress meetings and technical lectures between a Japanese semiconductor manufacturer and an Indian semiconductor manufacturer (6 times in total) (RCI)

  • Product introduction and sales agency contract negotiations for a Japanese semiconductor materials manufacturer with a British company (RCI)

  • Employment interview with an Indian engineer by a Japanese live-streaming app company (RCI)

  • Business meetings with a major Japanese camera manufacturer and a U.S. company on camera product design, quality assurance, and procurement (4 days) (OCI)

  • Study tour of research institutes, government agencies, and power companies related to power generation and power grid operation in California, with visits and exchange of opinions (2 days)



  • Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies weekly brown bag seminars (80 seminars) (RSI)

  • Kyushu University public symposium lecture “Mathematics strongly serving our societies all over the world” (RSI)

  • Kyushu University symposium for the Top Global University Project "Many Faces of Internationalization at Kyushu U ~The TGU Initiative: Impact and strategic evolution~." (RSI)

  • Nagaoka University of Technology Top Global University (SGU) Project External Evaluation Committee (RSI)

  • Kumamoto University IRCMS symposium “Rise of diversity in science” (RSI)

  • Institute for Challenging Disorganization webinar “Neurology of attention and executive function: Seven steps to managing your memory” (RSI)

  • Gunma University School of Nursing webinar "Writing and publishing research: a guide for nurses at Gunma University” (RCI)



  • Marketing and HR-related meetings for a multinational beverage manufacturer (9 meetings in total) (RSI)

  • Progress report meetings between a Japanese advertising agency and their Asian client (RSI & RCI)

  • Japanese advertising agency listening to a regular meeting of their Asian client (3 meetings) (RSI)

  • Promotional presentation by a Japanese advertising agency to a multinational corporate client (RSI)

  • A Japanese advertising agency discussing the details of an advertising design with a client (RSI)

  • Human rights due diligence training for a major Japanese trading company by a consulting firm for the United Nations Development Programme (RSI)

  • Sustainability leadership training for a UK national standards agency (RSI)

  • Focus group interviews with American adults and teenagers for marketing research (2.5 hours x 6 groups) (HSI)

  • JETRO-sponsored spot consultation “U.S. company listens to expert advice on the recycling of lithium-ion batteries in Japan” (RCI)Online meetings between Japanese liquor producers and Hong Kong buyers (RCI)

  • CEO of a project management consulting company attended the  PMI Global Summit in Los Angeles. Interpretation for exhibition booth tours, receptions, etc. (2 days) (OCI)

  • Sexual harassment training at a Japanese restaurant in San Diego (OCI)



  • Medical interviews with Japanese physicians about their hypertension treatment (2 interviews) (RSI)

  • Business meeting between a Japanese medical device manufacturer and its US subsidiary, a vascular imaging diagnostic company (RSI)

  • Meeting between a Japanese clinic and a patient in Norway and her family about the possibility of cancer treatment by regenerative medicine (RCI)

  • Interview with an American urologist about ED treatment by a Japanese sensor manufacturer (RCI)

  • Regular US/Japan internal meeting for a Japanese surgical support system and medical device company (RCI)

  • Consultation meeting with a Japanese man at a clinic in the US for a health checkup involving blood and imaging tests (RCI)

  • Medical appointments by Japanese patients (orthopedics, ophthalmology, etc.) at hospitals in San Diego (OCI)

  • Growth and development assessments of Japanese children at medical institutions in San Diego (OCI)


Child Education and Welfare

  • Admission process information session at a Massachusetts public kindergarten (RSI)

  • Meetings with the parents of Japanese children and school officials at Massachusetts public schools (RCI)

  • Meeting with the parents of a Japanese child and education officials at the State of Alabama Department of Education Instructional Services (RCI)

  • Group meeting by the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services about an American father (mother: Japanese) who is violent toward his children (RCI)

  • Meeting between a Japanese father and San Diego County officials about his child with disabilities at the Developmentally Disabled San Diego Regional Center (OCI)

  • Intelligence and language testing of a Japanese child at an elementary school in San Diego (6 hours) (OCI)




  • 多国籍テクノロジー企業の新しいソフトウェアシステムを紹介するワークショップ(8件)(RSI)

  • 多国籍テクノロジー企業日本支社の新しいソフトウェアシステムの活用事例コンテスト(RSI)

  • 多国籍飲料メーカーのシステム開発関連会議(30件)(RSI)

  • 日本のIT企業の通期決算説明会(RSI)

  • 日本の宇宙スタートアップ企業の日米欧定例会議(4件)(RSI)

  • 日本の電気機器会社のジャパン・アジア事業部全体会議(RSI)

  • 日本の半導体メーカ―とインドの半導体メーカーのプロジェクト進捗会議・技術レクチャー(6件)(RCI)

  • 日本の半導体素材メーカーの英国企業への製品紹介・販売代理店契約商談(RCI)

  • 日本のライブストリーミングアプリ社のインド人エンジニア雇用面接(RCI)

  • 日本の大手カメラメーカーがカメラ製品の設計や品質保証、調達関係についてアメリカの企業と商談(4日間)(OCI)

  • 日本の電力関係民間訪問団のカリフォルニアの電力事業、電力系統運用に関する研究機関・政府機関・電力会社の見学・意見交換(2日間)(OCI)



  • 九州大学アジア・オセアニア研究教育機構週例ブラウンバッグセミナー(80件以上対応中)

  • 九州大学公開シンポジウム講演「世界中の社会に大きく貢献する数学」(RSI)

  • 九州大学スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業総括シンポジウム、「九州大学における国際化の諸相 〜SGU のインパクト、その戦略的展開〜」(RSI)

  • 長岡技術科学大学スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業外部評価委員会(RSI)

  • 熊本大学IRCMSシンポジウム「科学における多様性の台頭」(RSI)

  • 片づけられない人のための協会ウェビナー「注意力と実行機能に関する神経学:記憶を管理するための7つのステップ」(RSI)

  • 群馬大学看護学部ウェビナー「研究の執筆と出版:群馬大学の看護師のためのガイド」(RCI)



  • 多国籍飲料メーカーのマーケティング・人事開発関連会議(9件)(RSI)

  • 日本の広告代理店とアジアのクライアント間の進捗報告会議(RSI & RCI)

  • 日本の広告代理店がアジアのクライアントの定例会議を視聴(3件)(RSI)

  • 日本の広告代理店の多国籍企業クライアントへのプロモーションプレゼン(RSI)日本の広告代理店が広告デザインの詳細についてクライアントとディスカッション(RSI)

  • 国連開発計画のコンサル会社による日本の大手商社への人権デューデリジェンス研修(RSI)

  • 英国の国家規格機関のサステナビリティ・リーダーシップ研修(RSI)

  • マーケティング調査のためのアメリカの成人・ティーンエージャーに対するフォーカスグループインタビュー(2.5時間x6グループ)(HSI)

  • JETRO主催「米国企業が日本のリチウムイオン電池のリサイクル事業について専門家のアドバイスを聞く」スポットコンサル(RCI)

  • 日本の酒類製造事業者による香港のバイヤーとのオンライン商談(RCI)

  • プロジェクトマネジメントコンサル会社CEOがロサンゼルス開催のPMIグローバルサミットに出席。展示ブースツアー、レセプション通訳など(2日間)(OCI)

  • サンディエゴの日本料理店でのセクシャルハラスメント研修(OCI)



  • 高血圧治療について日本の医師への医療インタビュー(2件)(RSI)

  • 日本の医療機器メーカーの米国子会社の血管画像診断会社とのビジネス会議(RSI)

  • 再生医療によるがん治療の可能性について日本のクリニックとノルウェーの患者とその家族の面談(RCI)

  • 日本のセンサー製造メーカーの米国泌尿器科医へのED治療についてインタビュー(RCI)

  • 日本の手術支援システム・医療機器会社の米国/日本定例社内会議(RCI)

  • 米国のクリニックでの日本人男性の血液・画像検査による健康診断の面談(RCI)

  • サンディエゴの病院での日本人患者の診療(整形外科・眼科など)(OCI)

  • サンディエゴの医療機関での日本人の子供の成長・発達評価(OCI)



  • マサチューセッツ州公立幼稚園の入園プロセス説明会(RSI)

  • マサチューセッツ州公立学校での日本人の子供の両親と学校職員との面談(RCI)

  • アラバマ州教育サービスでの日本人の子供の両親と教育関係者との面談(RCI)

  • サンディエゴ郡児童福祉サービスによる子供に暴力を振るうアメリカ人の父親(母親:日本人)についてのグループ会議(RCI)

  • 発達障がい者のサンディエゴ地域センターにて日本人の父親がサンディエゴ群職員と障がいを持つ子供について面談(OCI)

  • サンディエゴの小学校での日本人の子供の知能・言語テスト(6時間)(OCI)

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